The Skrull invasion is as real as ever





Audiovisual production

Disney+ was looking for an innovative campaign to launch Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion’, a series centred on Nick Fury and his confrontation with the Skrulls, an alien race capable of assuming identities. This premise served as the inspiration for a unique campaign that played with the idea of real-life impersonation to create an authentic “Skrull Invasion” feel.

The campaign began with a teaser phase at the preview of the series itself, where celebrity impersonations were carried out. A search for and characterisation of lookalikes that managed to create anticipation, confusion and curiosity among the public and the media. This initial action not only attracted the attention of the celebrities’ fans, but also generated rumours and speculation, increasing the anticipation of the series’ premiere.

After the launch of the series, the campaign moved to the digital sphere where we impersonated 4 top influencers (byViruZz, Peldanyos, Paracetamor and Teresa Pérez) on their own channels. Some of them even live. We also took over the Disney+ social channels with Nick Furia, who published a statement asking users to help unmask the profiles that had been taken over by the Skrulls. For 3 days, we published reports with clues to find them, as well as hunting reports to update the status of the mission. A gamified content that made the networks explode.

This campaign demonstrates how influencers can be involved in a disruptive way while maintaining the narrative essence of the product or service (in this case, the plot of the series) by breaking the 4th wall and giving the influencers freedom to create content that was as close to their usual content as possible. A creative twist that surprised their audience and once again demonstrated the power of the digital world in marketing strategies.

The result was a resounding success, with millions of views and high levels of social media interaction. As well as generating high levels of engagement and active participation from the audience, the campaign achieved a high return on investment and changed the perception of the platform, aligning it with its new positioning and demonstrating its ability to offer more adult and diverse content.

Technical specifications

Agency: Darwin & Verne
Advertiser: Disney+
Product: Launch campaign
Client contact: David Ramos and Alberto Lazaro
CEO: Ignacio Huidobro
Creative Chairman: Carlos Sanz de Andino
Brand Manager: Carolina Cerro
Brand Executive: Raquel Ruiz
Creative Directors: Pablo Caraballo, Gonzalo Calvo
Creative team: Francisco Reverte y Miguel Angel Campillejo
Audiovisual production: Manuel Ojedo and Miguel Ferrer
Title: “Secret Invasion
Pieces: RRSS and action with influencers

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