Sky launches an outdoor campaign for nobody to see





Audiovisual production



SERVICES: Innovation, creativity and audiovisual production.

In support of the #StayAtHome movement

 Madrid, Spain, March 27th , 2020. After two weeks of lockdown in Spain because of the COVID-19 crisis, leaving home became more dangerous than ever for Spaniards.

Sky took a creative approach to raise awareness of the importance of staying at home. The pay TV brand hired digital billboards in the center of Madrid and posted “spoilers” revealing plots of shows in the platform, warning streetwalkers with this claim: “If you don’t want spoilers, #StayHome’

The campaign, created by ICOM agency in Spain Darwin Social Noise, began on March 27th, and has immediately raised considerable noise in media and social networks in Spain.


Data sheet:

Agency: Darwin & Verne

Advertiser: Sky España

Product: Digital Pay TV platform

Brand: Sky

Client contact: Alejandra Recasens, Javier Molina, Juan Luis Álvarez, Noa Rodríguez and Elías Torres

Creative President: Carlos Sanz de Andino

General Manager: Alberto Martínez 

Creative Director: Óscar Moreno

Account Director: Javier Alejandre

Content Director: Bel Rodríguez

Creative team: Kiko Martínez, Raquel Millán, Raúl Labrador

Account team: Julia García, Ana Fons

PR: Rocío Hernández

Digital Communication: Paloma Martínez-Chueca

Title: ‘No spoilers’.

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