Paradores invites us to Dream Again this spring







Audiovisual production


Paradores has been championing a different kind of tourism since 1928, protecting Spain’s historical and cultural heritage, promoting the local economy and caring for the environment through its commitment to sustainability. With hundreds of unique spaces all over the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, Paradores offers a high-quality service for visitors who not only seek relaxation and the chance to unwind, but also a journey into the past and the future through national culture, heritage, gastronomy, nature and art.

Darwin & Verne has developed the strategy and concept for the whole of 2022 to communicate the new spring accommodation campaign, encouraging people to Dream Again. After two years of uncertainty, worries and various crises, we want to give back something that has been lost: the hope of dreaming. This year will be the first year in which we return to travelling and living as before. If you have ever been to a Parador, the experience they provide invites you to dream in every sense of the word.

For the launch of this new concept, Paradores and Darwin & Verne have taken advantage of the time when life is renewed the most: spring. Through the campaign carried out in print, press, display, digital video and social media, Paradores invites us to dream where the magic of spring blooms.

Through the imaginary and evocative world of spring and the experience at Paradores, dreams are brought to life in the graphic and audiovisual campaign. The visual execution of the piece was developed by Russian graphic artist Olga Antonenko. An art graduate, Olga has more than 18 years of professional experience in which she has been able to develop part of her projects in the film industry, videogames or television programmes. “Two years ago, with the onset of the pandemic, I started working from home and moved to northern Spain. It has been my favourite holiday spot for a long time. Having been in Asturias surrounded by nature has been a source of inspiration for this illustration. There are many green meadows, apple trees, cherry blossom trees, lakes, rivers and, above all, the great mountains of the Picos de Europa. The landscapes of Asturias right now look almost the same as in the illustration. I just had to add a bit of magic to keep building on the new brand concept”

Data sheet

Agency: Darwin & Verne
Advertiser: Paradores
Product: Spring 2022 Campaign
Client contacts: Fernando García García, Soledad Abril García José Miguel Moreno
Creative Director: Carlos Sanz de Andino
General Manager: Ignacio Huidobro
Accounts Director: María Hermida
Accounts Team: Carlos Mazzucchelli y Andrea Gayo
Art Direction and Creativity: Alicia Vilches & Pablo Mendoza
Audiovisual Postproduction Team: José Luis Mancilla
Artist illustrator: Olga Antonenko
Title: “La magia de la primavera” (The magic of spring)
Pieces: Graphics, digital video, print, display and social media

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