Paradores invites us to Dream Again, awaken your 5 senses this summer







Audiovisual Production


Since 1928 Paradores has been heralding a different kind of tourism: protecting Spain’s historical and cultural heritage, promoting the local economy and caring for the environment. With hundreds of unique spaces dotted across the Iberian Peninsula, Paradores offers a high-quality service for visitors who not only seek relaxation and the chance to unwind, but also a journey into the past and future through national culture, heritage, gastronomy, nature and art.

After launching the new concept “Dream Again” in the recent spring campaign, we are following suit with the new summer campaign where, as a promotional offer, we are giving a 30% discount to the Friends of Paradores until 31 July.

The sea, the mountains, the good weather and great food, the pleasant strolls, the contact with nature, sunsets, the peace and quiet…everything about summer, somehow, makes us slow down and use that wonderful time to dream. Paradores offers a complete service that engages all five senses in a unique experience from the moment you arrive until the moment you leave. An insight we have used to roll out the campaign in different media (print, press, display, digital video and social media), where Paradores invites us to dream and awaken our five senses this summer.

On this occasion we feature the talent of the graphic artist Carles Marçal, who has visually constructed an evocative summer full of fantasy, drawing inspiration from the Costa Brava and the Balearic Islands. Carles is a visual artist specialising in photomontage and matte painting for the entertainment industry, having developed projects that require a high degree of creativity and technical execution.

The artist has produced several projects for Adobe, National Geographic, Netflix and now for Paradores: “The challenge that the Darwin & Verne team set me”, he says, “involved a creative roll-out to evoke a sensation: an idyllic summer in a Parador, surrounded by fantasy. That’s how we came up with the concept for this piece for Paradores, a blend of photography, 3D and illustration that conveys that feeling of freshness and freedom that summer gives us, surrounded by flying manta rays, giant shells and so many other elements that transport us to that extraordinary world of Paradores”.


Data sheet

Agency: Darwin & Verne
Advertiser: Paradores
Product: Campaña de Verano 2022
Client contact Fernando García García, Soledad Abril García,
José Miguel Moreno.
Creative Director: Carlos Sanz de Andino
Art direction and creativity: Alicia Vilches & Pablo Mendoza
CEO: Ignacio Huidobro
Accounts Director: Maria Hermida
Accounts team: Carlos Mazzucchelli and Andrea Gayo
Audiovisual Production: Jose Luis Mancilla
Artist illustrator: Carles Marçal
Title: “A summer of all five senses”.
Pieces: Graphics, digital video, print, display and social media

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