International beer day by Ambar, the greatest virtual toast

  • Creativity 
  • Audiovisual Production

Ambar, a family-run brewery, was seeking to gain reputation, to be seen and recognised not just in the Aragon region, but also nationwide. Competing directly against more-widely consumed beers with more resources, such as Mahou, Cruzcampo, Estrella Galicia, etc., was not an option. A strategic plan had to be found and created.

At Darwin & Verne we started out by connecting with a figure who wields a great deal of power in digital media communications: The Community Manager. To do this, we put ourselves in their shoes and found an Insight in their category: every day is the “International Day of” something, which often leads to an irrefutable creative deterioration. So we offered them an “International Day of” to celebrate with our product that they could really get behind: International Beer Day.

We encouraged Ambar followers to mention those CMs who deserved a beer and by doing so, they could win another pack of Ambar beer. If the CMs joined in, we would send them a pack of Ambar so that on 5 August, International Beer Day, the greatest virtual toast ever could take place.

It was a win-win all around. So much so, that we managed to place our Ambar beers in more than 60 brand profiles, joined by the likes of Taco Bell, Burger King, Bizum, Popeyes, Yoigo, La Casa del Libro, and even our own competitors (San Miguel, Alhambra, Victoria, La Virgen etc.). And that’s how all the CMs on Twitter changed International Beer Day to #LaCervezaLaPoneAmbar Day.

Data sheet

Agency: Darwin & Verne
Client: Cervezas Ambar
Product:  International Beer Day
Campaign: La cerveza la pone Ambar”
Client Managers: Maria Lasheras and Marta Baquero
CEO: Alberto Martínez
Accounts team: Javier de Prada and Sarai Mariño
Content Manager: Bel Rodríguez
Content Writers: Aurora Asencio, Cristina Sanchón and Carla Cuadrado
Content Designer: Iago Álvarez
Audiovisual Production Team: Andrea Rosenchein and José Luis Mancilla

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