“Count on your water”. Canal Isabel II


Canal Isabel II



Audiovisual production


The widespread halt of activity caused by the coronavirus pandemic has had consequences for the business and domestic economy. To help alleviate this situation, Canal de Isabel II is offering its customers a series of extraordinary discounts on the water bill to the people of Madrid most affected by this crisis.

In order to publicize said aid, the entity launches the campaign developed by our agency ‘Count on your water’. With an intimate and positive tone, Canal de Isabel II addresses citizens to show their support when they need it most. “We are your water. We have always been with you and we are not going to fail you now”, claims the campaign.

Water is the axis of the entire campaign, both in the visual aspect of the pieces and in the discourse developed to communicate the message. The film, in particular, offers a succession of common daily details of the use of water. Short shots, subjective, or with interesting approaches, which reinforce that intimate relationship that families have with water in their homes. And where the water becomes a refuge of normality and peace, in the midst of an unprecedented situation. 

The action takes place from April 29, 2020 on TV, radio, press and digital media.

Data sheet

Agency: Darwin & Verne
Advertiser: Canal de Isabel II 
Campaign: Extraordinary bonuses on the occasion of COVID-19 
Client contacts: Nuria San Román, Raquel Arribas and Román Mas 
Creative President: Carlos Sainz de Andino 
Executive President: Miguel Pereira 
Account Supervisor: Cristóbal Ramírez 
Executive Creative Director: Óscar Moreno 
Design team: César Bertazzo, Lucía Rodríguez and Mar Roca 
Producers agency: María Jiménez and Andrea Rosenschein (Visual Noise) 
Postproduction: Miguel González (Visual Noise)
Media Agency: Wavemaker

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