Cosentino’s purpose: meaningful design to inspire people’s lives





Brand strategy
Digital production
Social media

Cosentino is a design company. Its Silestone and Dekton brands are a reference in the world of architecture and interior design. But it was not born out of nothing. Its origins lie in the thousand-year-old quarries of Macael marble, the so-called white gold of Almeria, and in a family that has its roots deep in the bowels of the earth.

Technology and design with meaning. This campaign not only focuses on communicating Cosentino’s values and vision, but also aims for a continuous and natural communication that integrates with other brand content and attributes. It represents a comprehensive and thoughtful approach to connecting with audiences based on values. And these values are best embodied by Cosentino’s own team.

With an aesthetic in line with Cosentino’s identity, the campaign maintains a balance between elegance, simplicity and warmth, adapting to the characteristics of each platform.

On Instagram, we offer three lines of content that try to connect with the user:

Everything has a why. An introductory video that shows the golden ratio through harmonious images. The aesthetic combines elegance and simplicity, trying to link Cosentino to this concept. The designs and textures of the brand have a unique soul.

What moves us. Story packages in which different people share what moves them in life, subtly reflecting Cosentino’s purpose. Designed to be direct and personal, these videos seek interaction with the user, inviting them to reflect on their own purpose.

Meaningful design. Static carousels show the different uses of the spaces in a house, highlighting how these spaces become personal refuges. Stone becomes life and life conditions the different uses it can offer.

And on LinkedIn, we created two additional lines of content of a more professional nature:

The purpose of. Static and independent pieces with statements from company executives closely related to Cosentino’s purpose. These contents, with a more sober and formal design, reflect the seriousness and commitment of the company.

In depth. In-depth articles about the company’s purpose, presented in a humble and accessible way. They aim to bring the company’s values to life through stories and personal experiences. The hands that shape the stone, gathering years of experience and knowledge.

In short, the Purpose campaign is an example of how aesthetics and life can reinforce a brand message. By combining visual elegance with a human and meaningful approach, Cosentino not only presents its products, but also shares its purpose and values in a way that resonates deeply with its audience. This strategy not only attracts attention, but also strengthens the emotional connection between the brand and its followers.

Technical Specifications:

Agency: Darwin & Verne.
Advertiser: COSENTINO
The product: Propósito’s campaign
General Manager: Alberto Martínez
Brand Manager: Jorge Martín
Brand Executive: Raquel Ruiz
Creative director: Alicia Vilches
Content managers: María Noval, Ignacio Bazarra
Title: Meaningful design to inspire people’s lives
Pieces: Social Media

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