CM Day


Cervezas Ambar




What would happen if, on one of the most important days for brands, CM Day, yours disappeared? 

We came up with an unusual way for Ambar to celebrate this D-Day on Twitter: by making our CM disappear. The idea consisted of announcing the news on Twitter via a colleague of the CM, who was the one who was hypothetically taking control of the networks, with the aim of finding him in order to celebrate his day. 

To do so, we encouraged our Twitter friends with a similar view to ours to help us and, of course, our fans, who, when they found out that helping us would involve a prize, started to construct their theories about what might have happened. 

Finally, we managed to find him; he wasn’t dead, he was out partying and celebrating his day. We and our followers were able to breathe easily and one of them won a prize for being the one who’d come closest to solving the riddle. 

Why did we decide to do this?
We wanted to celebrate Community Manager’s Day in an original way. By actively involving our audience in the celebration. To grow in terms of visibility and results.
And all at zero cost.


Agency: Darwin & Verne
Advertiser: Cervezas Ambar
Product: CM Day
Client contacts: Marta Baquero and María Lasheras
Head of Brand: Javi de Prada
Brand Executive: Sarai Mariño
Content Manager: Bel Rodríguez
Content Team: Ana Martín

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