Carlitos & Julio present their first hit “Algo hay que hacer”







Audiovisual production


Introducing Carlitos & Julio, our virtual artists who will give the agency a voice on current affairs.

They have presented themselves in society with the hit “Algo hay que hacer”, where they review current affairs with a lot of humour. They were born in the week of Darwin & Verne’s double birthday, with teaser videos appearing on social media announcing that “something had to be done” to celebrate their anniversary. They finally released this track that mixes urban pop, trap and reggaeton.

Carlitos & Julio hope to build a long and successful musical career on digital platforms and stages. From our Spotify channel we will compile their greatest hits, which we will also spread on our social channels, we hope that soon they will be signed by a record label!

Before launching the track, they previewed their arrival on the virtual stage with a teaser:

1- Darwin and Verne discovered they have the same birthday in the same week and thought: “something has to be done”.


2- They prepared a surprise party with very little success; they still thought that “something had to be done”


3- A branded content action? Earned channels? All that has already been done.


Finally, Carlitos & Julio composed the song “Algo hay que hacer”, the beginning of a long musical career.

In the words of Carlitos: “We’re going to fix the world with our music”, Julio declares: “We are historic”. 


Agency: Darwin & Verne
Client: Darwin & Verne
Campaign: ‘Carlitos & Julio – Algo hay que hacer’
General manager: Alberto Martínez
Creative Chairman: Carlos Sanz de Andino
Creative directors: Gonzalo Calvo and Pablo Caraballo
Creative team: Perla Fabbrica and Lola Nuez
Art direction: Elisa Sánchez, Mike Campillejo, Perla Fabbrica and Adrián Benito
Content director: Bel Rodríguez
Composition: Gonzalo Calvo y Pablo Caraballo
Instrumental composition: Miguel Ferrer
Sound mixing: Miguel Ferrer
Voices: Pablo Caraballo
Producer: Visual Noise
Audiovisual production: José Luis Mancilla, Miguel Ferrer and Manuel Ojedo
Recording studio: The Lobby

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