Ambar Morena


Cervezas Ambar





Ambar, the small independent brewery, launched a new product: a malt lager gently roasted for 24 hours that they called Morena. 

A beer with these characteristics needed a campaign to match it, so we got down to work. 

How do you introduce people to a new product and persuade them to get out of their beer comfort zone? 

We were definitely facing a challenge, until we found some inspiration; it was lying in front of us all the time, in the flames of the Morena bottle. 

At Darwin & Verne we proposed a strategy divided into three phases, warm-up, launch and maintenance, which would be run on all Ambar’s social media: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. 

The launch focused on creating a buzz and starting to make noise on social media by providing just two hints: people would have a new beer to enjoy soon and it would be a roasted blonde one. At no point did we reveal its name to guarantee greater impact or, as we like to say, awareness. 

Once we’d announced the launch of Morena on 10th March with a teaser, we focused on creating a universe around the beer to let people know about its characteristics, its taste… and all the fire it could bring them. 

We therefore continued to concentrate on the idea of linking our beer to the element of passion and energy through content with prescribers, a horoscope and so on. 

It’s a versatile content plan that we’re extending over time by means of an ongoing process that enables us to reinvent ideas that always embody the same concept.


Agency: Darwin & Verne
Advertiser: Cervezas Ambar
Product: Ambar Morena
Client contact: Marta Baquero and María Lasheras
CEO: Alberto Martínez
Head of Brand: Laura Berenguer
Brand Executive: Sarai Mariño
Creative Team: Lola Nuñez and Perla Fabbrica
Content Manager: Bel Rodríguez
Content Team: Cristina Sanchón and Ana Martín

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