ACNUR “World day of…”




Audiovisual production


SERVICE: Audiovisual production

Every day something is celebrated, either important or more insubstantial. The calendar reminds us of refugees in the same way as various banal things, everything has a day to commemorate or celebrate. We have the International Day of the Toilet, International French Fry Day, and days celebrating the pen, cotton candy…


Given this inescapable truth, Darwin Social Noise has launched a campaign for the UNHCR Spanish Committee, consisting of 5 original designs developed in graphic media and social networks. The most trivial international days are used to raise awareness about the importance of remembering refugees.

A girl washing her hands in a collapsed bath north of Ossetia, the sweetness of a cotton candy in front of the ruins of the city of Aleppo or a Ugandan doing his homework in a shattered bedroom, are some of the stunning real photographs of the campaign, made by professionals from countries in conflict.

Data sheet

Agency: Darwin Social Noise

Client: Spanish Comitee for UNHCR

Client Contacts: Samuel Martín, Amaia Celorrio, Eva Garrido, Laura Álvarez, Fernando Reinlein

General Director: Alberto Martínez

Executive Director : Óscar Moreno

Creative Team: Francisco Martínez, Raquel Millán

Content Team: Isabel Rodríguez, Ángeles López

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