“Liberators”, a new campaign for Libera Project.
Ecoembes and SEO/BirdLife
Audiovisual production
There are projects that aim to make a better world, such as the LIBERA Project and our latest work for them, the “LIBERATORS” reputation and repositioning campaign.
A recognition to all those who fight daily against litter (#basuraleza) and a call to society to join them once and for all to put an end to it.
For the new reputation campaign of the LIBERA Project, the “Liberators’ Manifesto” and the slogan “Free your world from litter” were created.
Therefore, the aim of the manifesto is to give visibility to the people who become Liberators on a daily basis. People who, by acting on their surroundings, help to keep their environment and therefore those around them free. People who through everyday actions such as: reducing consumption, reusing objects that can have a second life, buying responsibly and with self-control, recycling, using sustainable transport as much as possible or not throwing waste on the ground, free our world from litter.
As stated by LIBERA: “The Liberators is the movement of those who fight against litter and is made up of individuals, associations, institutions, entities, towns and cities. If there is one thing that characterises them, it is that they are optimistic, problem-solvers, daily activists and committed. They prevent, collect, teach and inform to fight litter”,
If it hurts you too to see litter in nature, “join the LIBERATORS and FREE your world from litter”

Client: Ecoembes y SEO/BirdLife
Agency: Darwin & Verne
Customer Contact: Nieves Rey, Elena López, Sara Güemes, Miguel Muñoz y Miriam Caba
Caba Creative President: Carlos Sanz de Andino
General Manager: Alberto Martínez
Creative Directors: Pablo Caraballo, Gonzalo Calvo
Account Director: Maria Hermida
Accounts Team: Andrea Gayo
Production Team: Davinia Martínez and Paula Hinojosa
Producer: iSola
Title: “The Liberators”
Pieces: 1 25” spot for TV, 3 video pills of 15-20” for digital, graphics, display and social media.