Darwin and Verne’s theorem

Darwin and Verne’s theorem

PUBLICATION DATE 7 October, 2021 WRITTEN BY: Alberto Martinez At the beginning of the 20th century, the Danish scientist Niels Bohr published his principle of complementarity. This physics theory holds that two complementary properties cannot be measured...
New men

New men

Constant change. If there is one thing the whole industry, and I would go so far as to say the whole business world, can agree on, it is that society, the market and the economy are in constant change. It has always been that way, but in the past, reality was viewed...
Are you more of a Darwin or a Verne?

Are you more of a Darwin or a Verne?

Darwin was a scientist. And he was one because he just was, because something inside him told him he needed to be that. His father wanted him to be an Anglican priest, but the boy was stubborn. The call of the wild, as Jack London would say. He started to study...
ICEX chooses Darwin & Verne

ICEX chooses Darwin & Verne

ICEX Spain Export and Investment, has chosen our agency to manage the promotional portal www.foodswinesfromspain.com  and its social networks, after a public contest in which two other agencies were finalists. Darwin Social Noise will provide, for the duration of two...
‘The Red Queen’s paradox’

‘The Red Queen’s paradox’

PUBLICATION DATE 6 June, 2021 WRITTEN BY: Carlos Sanz de Andino At the time, I was surprised to learn that the most cited work in History  with respect to economic agreements had not been written by any brainy mathematician, nor by any Nobel laureate economist, but by...